God Loves Unconditionally... : Words Of Encouragement
Freedom Through Christ Group Ministries

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God Loves Unconditionally...

by Bishop Chislom on 04/27/24

(God Loves Us Unconditionally) - My beloved ??, If you love someone so much that you’re willing to die for them, that’s a special love. And that’s the kind of love Jesus has for you and me! That is why preaching the gospel and sharing the good news with people is the greatest most exciting privilege in the world, because I can look anybody, anywhere, anytime, at any place, right in the eye, never blink, never hesitate, never stammer, and never stutter, and say, “God loves you.” God loves you despite who you are or what you have done. God will take you where you are, accept you, pour out His love on you, change you, adopt you, form you, give you His grace, take your guilt, give you His salvation, and take your sin all because He loves you that much. Praise the Lord for His love! Romans 5:8

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