God Says,... : Words Of Encouragement
Freedom Through Christ Group Ministries

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God Says,...

by Bishop Chislom on 04/09/24

(God Says, “I Will Be with You”) - My beloved ??, The presence of God in our lives helps us overcome fear. If we know by faith that God is with us, we can be grateful for His presence and we can take on any challenge with confidence and courage. We may not always feel God’s presence, but we can be thankful for His Word, remembering that He said He would never leave us or forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5). In the Bible, the basis for not fearing is simply this: God is with us. And if we know God’s character and nature, we know He is trustworthy. We do not have to know what He is going to do, when He is going to do it, or how He is going to do it. Simply knowing He is with us is more than enough. Joshua 1:5 (AMPC)

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