Immediate Forgiveness... : Words Of Encouragement
Freedom Through Christ Group Ministries

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Immediate Forgiveness...

by Bishop Chislom on 04/05/24

(Immediate Forgiveness) - My beloved ??, Do you focus excessively on the past, feeling guilty or condemned about mistakes you’ve made, sins you have committed knowingly or unknowingly, or offenses against God or other people? Do you struggle to believe you can be happy today and have a great future because you feel your past has been too bad? Many people allow their past sins and failures to weigh on their hearts and minds for too long. Sometimes, the past is a problem because of what we have done to ourselves and to other people. Sometimes it is painful because of what has been done to us. When we have been victims of someone else’s wrongdoing, we need to ask the Lord to heal us. When we have sinned or failed, we need to repent. Once we repent to the Lord, forgiveness happens right away. We are immediately released from guilt and condemnation. How wonderful it is to know that God is merciful and ready to forgive when we admit our sins and repent of them. This is something for which we should be thankful each and every day. Isaiah 43:25 (AMPC) 

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