Roots and Fruits... : Words Of Encouragement
Freedom Through Christ Group Ministries

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Roots and Fruits...

by Bishop Chislom on 04/19/24

(Roots and Fruits) - My beloved ??, Fruit bearing trees are known and identified by their fruit, and people are much the same way. If you could look at the roots of the life of a person who is emotionally unhealthy, you would see that they lead to things like rejection, abuse, guilt, jealousy, shame, and other negative thoughts and feelings. If you have recognized unhealthy attitudes in yourself, they are most likely the bitter fruit of some- thing rooted in your thinking. But I have good news: Your mind can be renewed by God’s Word (Romans 12:2). This does not happen immediately or even quickly. It may take a while, but it is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit, and it is worth the time it takes.

God wants you to bear good fruit, and He will help you do so by replacing unhealthy roots with strong, healthy roots in your thoughts, emotions, and actions as you meditate on His Word. Luke 6:44 (NIV)

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