The Bible Transforms Us... : Words Of Encouragement
Freedom Through Christ Group Ministries

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The Bible Transforms Us...

by Bishop Chislom on 04/13/24

(The Bible Transforms Us) - My beloved ??, The reason we can believe the Bible is because it is personally transforming. I have never come across a book that has transformed so many people’s lives. Sure, you’ll hear of a book every now and then that is getting popular and helping people. But in a year or two, you stop hearing about that book. But the Bible is not that way. The words in Scripture have been impacting people’s lives for thousands of years. It’s never been forgotten. It’s never gone out of style. It’s never been proven wrong. Year after year, it continues to do transformative work in the lives of the people who read it. That should give us confidence and hope that we can take God at His Word because His Word is truth. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. – John 17:17

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